
Services Provided

I provide individual teletherapy counseling for residents of Colorado. There are potential risks and benefits of electronic psychotherapy. Electronic psychotherapy, also known as Teletherapy, is different from traditional therapy in that the client and therapist do not meet face-to-face in-person. One of the benefits of electronic psychotherapy is that the client and therapist can continue therapeutic sessions without being in the same place.

Although there are benefits of electronic therapy, there are also significant risks involved. These risks include, but are not limited to: losing the ability to read physical cues, vocal cues/tones, and facial expressions; an inability to provide immediate emergency services/care; experiencing technical issues that disrupt the counseling session; a risk that the communications may be overheard if the client or therapist does not conduct the session in a secure/confidential place; and there is a risk that the communications may be accessed by unknown third-parties regardless of the security measures in place.

To counter these risks, I have had specific training in conducting electronic psychotherapy including an Advanced Clinical Telepractice Course, and I adhere to the American Counseling Association’s Ethical Code as it relates to Teletherapy. I utilize doxy.me as the teletherapy platform with complies with HIPAA, GDPR, PHIPA/PIPEDA, & HITECH requirements.

For most people, I believe the benefits of teletherapy outweigh the risks and I have found that many people have meaningful therapeutic interactions using teletherapy. Not everyone benefits from online counseling and teletherapy may not be for you. Clients should consider personal conditions and the severity of their symptoms when considering working with an online counselor.

Clients must verify at the beginning of each session that they are physically in the state of Colorado at an identifiable address and attest to sobriety, at the beginning of each teletherapy session.

Dr. David Johns is available for individual therapy and supervision. He can also provide lectures and workshops on a range of topics. Contact him at 303-642-6636 or [email protected] for a free 15-minute consultation.

Treatment specialization includes:

I work with adults ages 18-99, and address a wide range of emotional, spiritual, developmental, and behavioral issues.  I draw from various therapeutic modalities to offer each client a highly personalized approach to help clients attain the personal growth they are striving to attain.